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Preliminary Task

Synopsis of Preliminary task
The basic and summarized story of my short film is the struggles of a teenager who is struggling with drug addictions , anxiety, academic stress along with a number of things.The teenager's name is Abdullah. In the short film, he is going by his everyday routine which and wakes up late only to be confronted by his cousin named Majid, who he thiks of as his big brother, who talks to Abdullah about his bad grades in his recent exams. 









Narrative Construction Preliminary
The narrative for this preliminary task short film was built by me in three days. I wanted to create something which has an impact and which is something relatable for people of my age, mostly teenagers and students. 

After consulting with my AS media teacher, who gave me the green light for this project, i decided to go ahead with it



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The auditions were carried out on zoom, one of the actors had to be me as not many of my friends could act and the rest who could, were not able to commit, The selected actor, Musa jamil, who is also a friend of mine is proficient in acting and was available.

Mood Board and Storyboard


Equipment Used

The equipment used was a simple lav mic along with a sunset lamp and a sony a6400. A tv screen was used for diffused lighting


















Learning Outcome Preliminary
This was a first taste of action in regards to practical shooting, editing and etc and this was a huge learning experience

I learned on how to work alone and juggle things due not being grouped with anyone. Moreover i got to further polish my direction, lighting and set design skills as prepping up the room for my short film was slightly complicated.

The thing which i learned the most about was lighting as managing lighting in a dark room in the night without it seeming un-natural was difficult, e.g i used the tv in the room to shine blue light on both the characters.

Moreover i used daVinci resolve for editing the video which helped me further hone my editing skills

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