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Muhammad Abdullah Zaman 

Welcome to my Media studies portfolio where i am going to be blogging for the years 2021-2022 and maybe more!

About Me

I am an aspiring media studies student, a part time gamer, a film enthusiast and a theater fanatic. I have been acting and doing theater as a hobby as well as a passion ever since the dainty age of 7. The primary reason i opted for media studies in A'levels is that first and foremost it is a subject that is integrated in many hobbies and professions of my interest ,including journalism, film-making,acting and photography, it provides a grassroots level know-how of handling a camera and blog-running which intrigues me the most.


My first impression of the subject was quite fascinating to say the least, it ticked all the expected check-boxes which were handling a camera,taking phenomenal photos and creating and running a blog, i have interned at many small projects as well and aim to pursue and further study media at University level as well


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